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"An end, not a means"

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Il 09/11/2023

Enrico Galassi (1907-1980) and the birth of the contemporary mosaics

Place: Polo delle Arti
Conference organized by Alberto Giorgio Cassani, Accademia di Belle Arti di Ravenna

Friday, 9 November | 5.30 p.m.

It is widely believed that the contemporary mosaic would have had its dies natalis on the occasion of the Exhibition of Modern Mosaics held in 1959 in the Refector Hall of the National Museum of Ravenna. In reality, a young artist from Ravenna, who attended the Mosaic School of the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna, founded in 1924, at the end of the 1920s, understood that for the mosaic to be in line with the times, it should abandon the Byzantine tradition and become "an art for its own sake and not a means". The conference will illustrate the long relationship between Galassi and the mosaic in two fundamental stages: the Studio in via Margutta 48 and the Villa Giulia Studio (Villa Poniatowsky), both in Rome.


Polo delle Arti - piazza J.F. Kennedy, 7

» Accademia delle Belle Arti