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Dal 05/11/2009 al 06/11/2009

Location: Almagià, Via Almagià 2
Presented by: Associazione Culturale RavennArte
Opening: 4 November
Period: 5 - 6 November 2009

A mosaic installation specifically created by Dusciana Bravura half way between public and social art which will cover the entire area of the central nave of the Almagià.
The theme is a liberal visual and materic consideration of the social "mosaic" of Ravenna: the percentages of Italians, extra-community, men, women, children, old people.
A kind of mosaic of the social fabric of the identity of our city: from fragmentation to beauty.
The work of art will be accompanied by a series of musical and theatre performances by the members of the Almagià Association.


Via dell'Almagià, 2